Association of Training Institutions for Foreign Trade in Asia and the Pacific

Our Mission:


We strengthen training institutions in the foreign trade sector.


Call for papers

New Horizons in Commerce: Global Business and Beyond

Technology today shapes the world around us. We live on the verge of a new era of consumerism, shaping everything from the way we create businesses, consume entertainment, or interact globally. Join us this March 22, 2025, as we hold our 19th Global Business Conference Part 1 Research Colloquium.



The Journal contains researches of professors in business and other fields.

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Get Involved

As trainers in foreign trade, it is their responsibility to inform themselves and their constituents about these upcoming developments. It is their responsibility for they are entrusted with the task of bringing about change. Efforts of change are blocked by ignorance. Constructive change can only be introduced with knowledge.


18th Global Business Conference

Join us this March 16, 2024, as we hold our 18th Global Business Conference Part 1 Research Colloquium - we’ll be bringing together researchers to present their research papers.

Submit A Research Paper

In its 18th year, we are inviting you to submit your research and proposals that highlight the importance of topics related to digital business strategies and management.